Wednesday 25 March 2015

Hancock Question 3

In the extract we watched in Hancock, there was a lot of strong representations of each character, this included Hancock himself, the prisoners, the policemen and the criminals. 

Hancock represents an almost anti hero in the way that he does have super powers and attempt to save peoples lives but he also is an alcoholic and is a prisoner so he must have done something bad in the past. Hancock causes destruction but only when defending himself, his intention is not to kill innocent good people but to protect them even if that means blowing up a few cars in the process. Hancock is a calm, cool and cleanly shaved, masculine, typical superhero, with his flashy, tight outfit that completes him. 

The Prisoners are stereotypes in the way that they all look rather thuggish and ragged, tattoos and shaved head adds to the classic bad boy prisoner. They are not intimidating when they speak to Hancock, they represent themselves as easygoing and welcoming.

The policemen and women are doing their job as in fighting back at the criminals, they all look up to Hancock when he introduces himself after rather dramatically flies in. There is a policewomen who was shot so that represents a damsel in distress.

The criminals are wearing their classic black masks with two eye holes and one mouth hole. They have a stack of weapons and have hostages ready to be killed. they are causing destruction and pain for the protagonists. 

Hancock_2lg.jpg (650×433)

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