Thursday 18 September 2014

Lucozade Adverts

Lucozade The Edge Advert
This is a good idea of how lucozade can give you the 'edge' in sport.

This advert shows off the fact that if you drink the product lucozade. You are more likely to win races or just overall do well in sport. I really like how at one point it shows a runner competing against another runner, and the one who had lucozade wasn't breaking a sweat whereas his opponent was struggling. At the end it shows the bike race finishing with the length of the lucozade bottle between the winner and runner up of the race. The whole advert is very cleverly done, and I really like it.

Lucozade The Edge:
Lucozade Aids Recovery:

I used Tellyads vintage to watch another Lucozade video: Lucozade aids recovery claims that it will make you fit and healthy, shows us that mums love it and recommend it. It includes a little boy in his pyjamas who is clearly unwell, his mum then gives him lucozade and it claims to have made him better. So if you buy lucozade it means you care about your children. If you don't it means you are not as loving to your children.

1 comment:

  1. While you understand the Lucozade advert for The Edge campaign, you ought to show in your analysis that you have grasped the way in which Lucozade gives competitors 'the edge' and how this is shown visually, especially in the screenshot provided.
    In the second advert, you clearly understand the underlying message, but should do more detalled analysis of what we see in the advert. Pick a shot, such as the one in which the sick boy gazes longingly out of his bedroom window at his friends playing below in his garden
    Grade C
