Monday 21 September 2015

Spy kids analysis prep

1.      The gender is not stereotypically used in this extract due to the equality represented throughout; no damsels in distress apart from you could say when she was pacing up and down at the wedding looking nervous whereas the man clearly wasn’t. Race and nationality is not stereotypical, we see people of a variety of different ethnicities in the airport and then at the wedding there I almost a white side of the isle and Hispanic side of the isle, each for the two people getting married. The female spy represent stereotypical  spies by her changing of outfits and when they were both on the Eiffel tower the man flicks the wedding ring towards her with such precision and accuracy and she just catches it with ease and without looking we instantly know that they are not ordinary people.  Family, love and marriage are strange because at the start we clearly hear that the only thing that spies are scared of are other spies, so when two spies get marries it is very odd and peculiar they are like two very different people falling in love, both from being different nationalities makes for the love interest even more unlikely, but that doesn’t stop them getting married. The families at the wedding were all very proud to be there. The bad guys represent your typical bad guy’s vehicles and weapons, big dark helicopters with big guns and missiles, and then when the camera really focuses on the helicopters they are in formation and surrounded by dark clouds indicating that they are a threat and should be taken seriously. Love and marriage is conveyed in this extract by  the use of the iconic setting of Paris to convey a love interest, a romantic dinner together with fireworks going off also supports this. 

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