Monday 5 October 2015

Power point slides

I was having difficulty embedding my Slides to the Blog so here is the link to the SlideShare with my power point.

Monday 21 September 2015

Spy kids analysis prep

1.      The gender is not stereotypically used in this extract due to the equality represented throughout; no damsels in distress apart from you could say when she was pacing up and down at the wedding looking nervous whereas the man clearly wasn’t. Race and nationality is not stereotypical, we see people of a variety of different ethnicities in the airport and then at the wedding there I almost a white side of the isle and Hispanic side of the isle, each for the two people getting married. The female spy represent stereotypical  spies by her changing of outfits and when they were both on the Eiffel tower the man flicks the wedding ring towards her with such precision and accuracy and she just catches it with ease and without looking we instantly know that they are not ordinary people.  Family, love and marriage are strange because at the start we clearly hear that the only thing that spies are scared of are other spies, so when two spies get marries it is very odd and peculiar they are like two very different people falling in love, both from being different nationalities makes for the love interest even more unlikely, but that doesn’t stop them getting married. The families at the wedding were all very proud to be there. The bad guys represent your typical bad guy’s vehicles and weapons, big dark helicopters with big guns and missiles, and then when the camera really focuses on the helicopters they are in formation and surrounded by dark clouds indicating that they are a threat and should be taken seriously. Love and marriage is conveyed in this extract by  the use of the iconic setting of Paris to convey a love interest, a romantic dinner together with fireworks going off also supports this. 

Monday 14 September 2015

Fragrance Advert

This is the image I wsa thinking of using for my advert, it was originally grainy and low definition but I have aded a sort of water colour affect that makes it look not as low definition. Hopefully this can work, but I may have to take a completely new image on the weekend.

This could be my bottle that I will use as it has got a ridged effect on the bottle to represent adventure and even waves that are on show in the image.

My advert title is "Horizon" and motto "There are not limits".

The target audience is outgoing, athletic people between the ages of 18 and 40.
The appeal of this fragrance is that the motto gives you reassurance that you can be confident in yourself and push yourself when doing something athletic.

I chose the colour scheme because I feel it creates a calm, tranquil atmosphere.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Advertising Campaigns

Lynx Make Love not War

"The campaign encourages fans to embrace peace in every aspect of their lives."

"Built around the idea that the world’s a better place when we focus our passions, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the Peace One Day project."

"This ambitious project will cost a whopping 9 million dollars to create."

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Lynx Make Love not War 5 Paragraphs

  • You will notice that the leaders of each country are looking strong and confident and each is sitting or standing next to their partner ready to make a decision about what to do next. You will be holding your breath throughout the advert until you then can exhale with relief with the sudden change of scenario. 
  • There are many different places including, Vietnam, Iraq, Russia, and North Korea. The audience it is trying to attract, I would say are from early teenagers to middle aged people. The advert does include some sexism, in which at the start you can see up the Russian girls skirt. 
  • The advert creates a dark mood that then changes into a happy mood. The theme of the advert is a mix of suspense, love and action. The actor’s faces are all serious and concerned looked. But as soon as the fireworks and huge sign of the husband and wives face appear, the females faces light up.
  • This advert is a huge change in scenarios from Lynx’s usually scantily clad women running to men spraying themselves with Lynx. Lynx have gone for the more serious approach with creating a dark war atmosphere.  I am surprised that Lynx didn’t get told off for including North Korea in the advert, because it is none as a secret country that is behind closed doors.
  • The advert lasts one minute. There is an extreme amount of detail and suspense within the advert itself. You get immersed into the advert from the intense, dark music and images, like the one above. The images through out the advert indicate a world war, but then it suddenly goes from dark into light. Until about halfway suspense and jeopardy are surrounding you. The advert is taken very seriously throughout.

Perfume Essay

B321 Analytical Assignment A comparison of the representation of men in fragrance advertisements from the 1970s, 1980s and 2010s Chaps Musk By Ralph Lauren

I have chosen to compare 3 different advertisements that cover a range of representations:
(Balenciaga 1970s, Chaps Musk by Ralph Lauren 1980s, Lynx Make love not war 2013)

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Hancock Question 3

In the extract we watched in Hancock, there was a lot of strong representations of each character, this included Hancock himself, the prisoners, the policemen and the criminals. 

Hancock represents an almost anti hero in the way that he does have super powers and attempt to save peoples lives but he also is an alcoholic and is a prisoner so he must have done something bad in the past. Hancock causes destruction but only when defending himself, his intention is not to kill innocent good people but to protect them even if that means blowing up a few cars in the process. Hancock is a calm, cool and cleanly shaved, masculine, typical superhero, with his flashy, tight outfit that completes him. 

The Prisoners are stereotypes in the way that they all look rather thuggish and ragged, tattoos and shaved head adds to the classic bad boy prisoner. They are not intimidating when they speak to Hancock, they represent themselves as easygoing and welcoming.

The policemen and women are doing their job as in fighting back at the criminals, they all look up to Hancock when he introduces himself after rather dramatically flies in. There is a policewomen who was shot so that represents a damsel in distress.

The criminals are wearing their classic black masks with two eye holes and one mouth hole. They have a stack of weapons and have hostages ready to be killed. they are causing destruction and pain for the protagonists. 

Hancock_2lg.jpg (650×433)

Thursday 12 February 2015

Master and Commander

This is a historical 19th century pirate action and adventure movie. The conventions are combat and conflict and suspense and jeopardy and some parts are speed and motion. The tension is created when you see a bleak outline of the enemy ship, Sudden burst of action, Atmospheric , Use of warfare with cannons and the thick fog around the ship. Gets the adrenaline rushing for the audience. 
Captain makes it clear he is boss, well respected, Suspense, View of ship, Rag doll body affect and death, panic. Good organisation and preparation for battle. Constant updates for the captain and persistent instructions towards the crew. There antagonist is the enemy French ship firing cannons at them. The Captain is a heroic protagonist the way he owns and commands the ship with a certain courage and coolness. Saves crew when cannons of enemy ship is fired, by telling everyone heads down! Captain remains calm and cool even when there is destruction happening around him. Sudden silent fire of cannons. Drums rolling create climax and atmosphere. Heavy fog reduces vision. View of the ship being shattered by enemy fire. Crew listens to the captain easily. Crew desperation to fire back at the enemy but they can’t this creates suspense and jeopardy.   Weak officer of the watch; Lots of combat and conflict going on this is typical for an action and adventure. View of much bigger enemy ship creates and sense of fear. Pacing around the ship and orders echoed around the ship. Occasional silence to create atmosphere; Patient waiting crew ready for orders adds to the atmosphere. Getting weapons ready for combat.
When we hear the drum roll there is a dietetic or ambient sound. The drum roll is the warning sign, pace quickens, war cry.