Friday 28 November 2014

Social Stereotypes

This is Sheldon Cooper from the hit TV comedy The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is a science geek who doesn't understand anything about the aspect of Human Socializing. No sense of appearance and is very self confident.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Perfume Essay

Advert 1: Lynx Make Love not War (Television Advertisement 2013)

There is an extreme amount of detail and suspense within the advert itself. You get immersed into the advert from the intense, dark music and images, like the one above. The images through out the advert indicate a world war, but then it suddenly goes from dark into light. Until about halfway suspense and jeopardy are surrounding you. The advert is taken very seriously

The overall indication of this advert is to create world peace and embrace it. This is the official Peace One Day advert, which cost £9 Million to make and produce.

You will notice that the leaders of each country are looking strong and confident and each is sitting or standing next to their partner ready to make a decision about what to do next. You will be holding your breath throughout the advert until you then can exhale with relief with the sudden change of scenario. because of what? There are many different places including, Vietnam, Iraq, Russia, and North Korea. The audience it is trying to attract, I would say are from early teenagers to middle aged people. The advert does include some sexism, in which at the start you can see up the Russian girls skirt. The advert creates a dark mood that then changes into a happy mood. The theme of the advert is a mix of suspense, love and action. The actor’s faces are all serious and concerned looked. But as soon as the fireworks and huge sign of the husband and wives face appear, the females faces light up. This advert is a huge change in scenarios from Lynx’s usually scantily clad women running to men spraying themselves with Lynx. Lynx have gone for the more serious approach with creating a dark war atmosphere.  I am surprised that Lynx didn’t get told off for including North Korea in the advert, because it is none as a secret country that is behind closed doors.

When I started watching this advert I felt immersed and very interested in where the advert was taking me. The background music adds a spice of darkness about the situation. Of course the plot is to represent a world war, you are able to see world leaders from powerful countries. I felt a huge change of mood as soon as the fireworks were launched an the US soldier ran up to the Vietnamese citizen and kissed her. This is a very moving advert. Although there are a lot of positives there is also some negatives including the overall ambition of the advert is extremely strange, in the fact that I understand that Lynx are trying to promote World Peace, but I don’t really think that this advert would work. I admire the sheer audacity in which Lynx have made the adverts message. The watchers also get a sense of relief when they realise that there isn't going to be a huge bloodbath after all.

The message of this advert for Lynx Peace is to say that if you wear this product you are against violence, death and destruction and for world peace and making the global community a better, safer place.

Chaps Musk Ralph Lauren (Print Advert 1980s) 

 The central representation is of a very masculine and self - assured father and son. The setting helps construct the representation because it is clearly the rugged landscape of the bush, probably in Africa. We have a glimpse of the dusty, sun burnt area in which they are located, wild and uninhabited except for the glimpse of the tent which they are camping in. This contributes to the picture of their courage and physical bravery, because there would clearly be some sort of dangers out there, such as dangerous animals.  Their ranger outfits evoke early pioneer spirit. The dark green tone introduces their wildness.

The masculinity is reflected by their upright posture and hands on hips.  
This perfectly embodies the brand values of Chaps Musk 
Two males, one youth about 11 years old and an older male probably in his late thirties.  

A rugged feel comes from not only the rural background but also the grainy effect that encompasses the whole image. This also adds to the masculinity of the advert.
If you look closely at the Chaps Musk emblem on the package, you can see a bull's head. A bull is usually associated as a masculine emblem or animal. A bull is tough, fearsome and proud. The title of the fragrance impacts hugely on the brand image, 'Chaps' is a rather upper class word for man or boy. Students at a public school is a common place where the word Chaps would be used as a way of greeting each other. 'Musk' is another word for adore, or scent. Again this word is usually associated with upper class figure of speech.

The advertising agency is Woody Chypre company who create their own fragrances but also help advertise and publicise other fragrances.  It is quite ironic that Woody Chypre has the word 'Woody' in it, this is because chaps musk has a woody feel to it, a sense of outsiderness.  The child has got dirty knees which implies that he has been active and .  The pioneer spirit is noticeable across the whole advert. We can recognise this spirit from the rough, clothing and looks on their faces they have produced, rather stern mood shows us that they have been on a dangerous journey or are about to embark on one.  
We can clearly see that the image is engulfed with masculinity and will continue through two generations, the young boy being accompanied by most likely his father. The texture of the image is rather grainy so we get the feeling of ruggedness and more masculinity.
Dante (Print Advert 1967)
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The central representation of this advert is bravery and honour. The dark colours help construct a war like feel to it. The font is and extremely important part of the image, this is due to the boldness and courage it forms, it is very in your face and is certainly the very first thing you witness. The word "DANTE" all in capitals makes the advert seem very masculine, when saying the word "DANTE" sounds intimidating and threatening. The presentation on the fragrance advert comes across as dark and slightly old fashioned in its style. The background colour is pitch black possibly due to the intention of forming a mysterious rather sinister appeal to it. 

The slogan to the fragrance is what adds to make the advert achieve a certain reputation. "The Glory of Rome". This   is clearly a patriotic fragrance targeted towards the people of Italy. The word in the slogan Glory reflects the pride that should be associated when being part of Italy and its prestigious history. The old fashioned tone to the advert intertwines with the mention of Rome's history as it would be inappropriate to include an overly modern feel to it. This fragrance has pride and patriotism written all over it, the slogan has been mentioned and the warrior in the background asking the "X" symbol with his arms looking on into the distance resembles more patriotism. I will  fight for me country an be willing to die doing it. The warrior is not a modern day soldier and is therefore a symbol of Rome's fighters throughout history. The person seems to be blending in with the shadows which you could say is an effect in its own right, to flashback to the idea of it being a mysterious sinister vibe. This is the type of vibe we receive when viewing this impressive unique advert. No special effects such as multiple colours or different interpretations are included which helps with the simple basic presentation that it has. 

Overall this is a fragrance in honour of the glory of Rome and a symbol of its history. The colours, style and images included all represent the motive and intention of the advert. 

Thursday 16 October 2014

Marx Cologne Ad

This is the one that I will probably be using, but I have not yet decided. I like this one because it has action, and some suspense because you are waiting to see if anyone will launch the bombs.
These are some other ones I am considering doing:

Hugo Boss
Calvin Klein Encounter
Lacoste the Big Leap

Wednesday 8 October 2014

James Bond and Heineken advert

This advert again consists of cross branding tactics. James bond and Heineken.
This starts off with Daniel Craig and another man, they seem to be wearing identical clothing. Daniel Craig is being chased by the bad guys and out runs them, so then the bad guys see the man wearing similar clothes s Daniel Craig. The advert comes to life as soon as we enter the train. Inside is a completely different world. People wearing posh, expensive clothes, poker and drinking champagne, each room tells a story. Action is going on all the time and he is always in the centre of the screen. Conventions used in this advert are, suspense and jeopardy and speed and motion with him entering what seems to be an ice room and sliding across it weaving back to forth. He is made as Mr perfect and doing everything amazingly well. He is a hero with everything he messes up. He ends up entering his final room, with another celebrity singing, P
ixie Lott. James Bond then sees the men behind him and runs off. An attractive lady gives the other man Heineken. The advert ends with James Bond parachuting off a bridge.
Overall this advert is very good in the way it portrays James Bond and Heineken together.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Iron Man Audi E-tron

This advert includes two huge corporations, Audi and Iron Man. The us of co branding between these two massive companies is very effective. 

The advert starts off with Iron man on the floor looking back at what has happened previously, a flashback. Explosions and heart racing suspense grips you into the advert. It is saying that he has been through hell that day, not forgetting him jumping out of a destroyed plane in mid air catching falling civilians. His hero side is being shown as well as his weakened side. Then after he takes his mask off whilst injured on the ground, 'It's never a bad day at work' pops up on the screen in the typical Audi font. Iron Man is then shown getting into his Audi E-tron, in a suit looking 100% better, like nothing has happened. Even though this is quite mis-leading, it also shows that there is nothing to worry about because you have an Audi E-tron. It ends with him driving the Audi E-tron extremely quickly down the road. This is boasting about how amazing and cool the car is and if you buy this car, you are going to be like Iron man. 
I then says at the end 'Engineered for Iron man'. This gives us and idea of the audience it is trying to capture, middle aged men with a fair amount of money.
Not forgetting the good use of celebrity endorsement with Robert Downey Jr.  
This whole advert has its pro and cons, but overall I think It is very effective in grasping the watcher.

Hugo Boss Advert

He starts off by throwing a paper ball which then creates a large metal ball that bounces off of things bringing them to life such as a motionless car.

This specific scene includes some parkour where he kicks down a wall and makes it so he can walk across it He is in charge of this world. 

Throughout the advert he acts in a cool fashion and is the only real human in the animated world. There are a few colorful women and one man leaning against a traffic light. 

He is standing ontop of what seems to be an old CD player, he exchanges glances towards a lady who has been following him in most of the scenes. 

He has completed his time in mid air and lands perfectly without causing any damage to himself. This is a well done stunt animation part.

Celebrity endorsement is used thorught the advert, the actor is Jonathan Rhys Myers who has been in films such as Bend it like Beckham. He is holding up the Hugo Boss product looking smug and rather 'cool'. The conclusion is that he is in charge of what is going on around ihm and nothing will get in his way. He stands out as being the lord of that land

Wednesday 1 October 2014

That bar in Penang Film

Last Thursday we split up into groups and went off with a camera to record a random clip, I dressed up in a typical blue Asian dress, Tom was dressed up as a Peruvian man and Alastair was filming it.
The short film is about a Malaysian lady (Me) who met a Peruvian man (Tom) at a bar in Penang. We suddenly reunite and discuss about past times, we used a pan shot to introduce me. I end up slapping tom in the  face. The genre was meant to be a serious romantic film but turned into more of s messed up comedy. I really enjoyed editing it and doing the whole thing.

Friday 19 September 2014

Austin Powers

After watching the Austin Powers advert with tom cruise as Austin Powers. One of the action and adventure conventions was combat and action such as the frequent use of guns and the amount of explosions going on. Tom Cruise is playing Austin Powers, Tom Cruise is usually featured in Action movies. It include lots of suspense and explosions, combat and conflict using guns and rockets. Speed and motion with use of cars and helicopters. Although it is a spoof it has quite a crude script. The camera angles used consisted of, tilt pan and pan shot.

There are heroes and villains as well as eye candy for the male audiences, Gwyneth Paltrow is wearing a tight uniform and the camera angle starts off at her shoes and goes up. There are lots of stunts with parachuting into a car at the start and shooting down a helicopter in mid air. This is a very good advert.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Lucozade Adverts

Lucozade The Edge Advert
This is a good idea of how lucozade can give you the 'edge' in sport.

This advert shows off the fact that if you drink the product lucozade. You are more likely to win races or just overall do well in sport. I really like how at one point it shows a runner competing against another runner, and the one who had lucozade wasn't breaking a sweat whereas his opponent was struggling. At the end it shows the bike race finishing with the length of the lucozade bottle between the winner and runner up of the race. The whole advert is very cleverly done, and I really like it.

Lucozade The Edge:
Lucozade Aids Recovery:

I used Tellyads vintage to watch another Lucozade video: Lucozade aids recovery claims that it will make you fit and healthy, shows us that mums love it and recommend it. It includes a little boy in his pyjamas who is clearly unwell, his mum then gives him lucozade and it claims to have made him better. So if you buy lucozade it means you care about your children. If you don't it means you are not as loving to your children.

Tuesday 16 September 2014


My first impressions of this advert was that it was very realistic. Using a real person and real situations. It starts off with Duffy finishing a concert as she is a singer. She gets a minute to relax and gets on her bike with a can of diet coke, rides to a super market singing a song. By using Duffy this is called celebrity endorsement. In a way there is cross promotion with Duffy and Coke.
Diet Coke is meant to attract females rather than males. As Duffy is a female it makes more sense. Coca Cola are trying to get the message across that Diet Coke is a sense of freedom. Overall I think that the advert is very good Gets the message across well.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

James Bond meets Coke Zero

Today we had our first ever Media Studies lesson. We focused on the topic of 'advertising' and started by watching a short advert. This advert was an example of cross promotion. This is where one company joins with the other to sell their product. For example the advert we watched was a cross promotion of Jams Bond and Coke Zero. The advert seems to be well done, the whole advert seems to be set inside an actual coke bottle or can. Which think i quite cleverly done. The advert includes some sexism in it as well by showing a view of women in high heels which a man would find appealing. The music in the advert is corresponds well as it is the Bond theme, There are a variety of scenes, such as men fighting, cars being driven around in what looks like to be a desert these are iconically James Bond themed as they are Aston Martins. This particular scene used canted camera angles. It was slanted because it created a sense of danger and fast driving.